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Monday, August 11, 2014

Hidden Cash Philanthropy Efforts Spread Across the Globe

Philanthropy - the effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable and or donations. Like everything in the 21st Century, with the aid of the Internet philanthropy has evolved too. If I were commissioned to do a case study on online philanthropy done right Twitter's Hidden Cash's recent philanthropy effort is clearly a shining example.

Below is an interview before the Hidden Cash founder unveiled himself:

On May 22, 2014, after a late dinner with a friend in San Francisco, I was telling him about my desire to give back to the community which I love and has given me so much, and to do it in a fun way. We rejected a few ideas I had as too, complex, and decided that I would hide money in a few spots in San Francisco, and then tweet about it. We created the Twitter handle @hiddencash, and did just that, hiding envelopes of cash around midnight in San Francisco, and tweeting clues. I contacted a local blog to tell them what we did. They wrote me a few questions, and wrote about it, and it exploded from there.

To date, Jason Buzi, a real estate investor, has come forward to claim he is the philanthropist behind the Hidden Cash online charity venture. His reasoning: to give back to the community that made him wealthy. What was originally meant to be a pay-it-forward scavenger hunt for San Francisco has spread all the way to the United Kingdom and beyond. Now participants not just in California but across the world learn about the Hidden Cash drops via social media and are encouraged to tweet photos of themselves with found cash.

Bravo to Buzi for his global philanthropy efforts! Everybody at population-we™sends him kudos for his Think We Before Me actions. To participate, follow @hiddencash on Twitter to see if an scavenger hunt pops up in your community.

Source: Twitter: @hiddencash -

-population-we™ blog post by Becky Bohan Brown
© 2014 population-we, LLC 
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