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Saturday, January 1, 2011

'population-we' Launches with First Kudos Recipients

Happy New Year and welcome to the first-ever population-we blog post! 

We're glad you have started 2011 off with us; whether, you have just stumbled across our blog or if you are family and friends offering support. Again, welcome to our virtual door step.

Reflecting back on 2010, we know there are other people out there like us. You know who you are -- those who put others before themselves. I'm married to one. I'll talk about that in a later post.

We see you:
  • letting others in front of you in bumper-to-bumper traffic on the way to work;
  • grabbing grocery carts and doors for elderly people at the store; 
  • chipping in change near the cash register at the gas station; and 
  • kids who donate their gifts to underprivileged children during the holidays.
Selfless everyday acts that may not make the headlines but is what this blog [movement] is all about. We want to bring the old ideals back. So, join us in launching “population-we: It's not about me but about us and we.” We know others like my husband and I exist.

This blogger believes that we witnessed the truest testament of the human spirit last year. The most watched online event that ripped through the 2010 headlines is that of the Chilean Miners. 
Observing each person being rescued made everyone feel something again. Nations from across the world offered assistance to the Chilean government for the miner's rescue.

Those 33 men (shown above) who pitched in as a collective and survived those two months underground are a true example of “population-we” mentality. Turning a tragedy into a triumph as well as bringing the world together for those days was remarkable. Even after the men surfaced they all chose to stay together like the “Friends” cast from the 90s and only take deals as a group.

Bravo to our first population-we kudos recipients -- the Chilean Miners! The population-we blog salutes you for your “pop-we” attitude.
- population-we blog post by Becky Bohan Brown


  1. Congratulations on going live! When I shared with mom what you said about using courtesy when you are shopping, she said that you really are that nice to people working when you shop. I think that it is sometimes easy to forget that person on the other side of the aisle or in the crowd. We all need a little reminder now and again to connect to the humanity around us.

    I have gained from online communities in the six years since you gave me my first computer that was online. I have felt the support of friends and have gained respect for many. I have seen where these friends who have at times met in person have been there for each other in good time and bad. I am looking forward to such a community here.

    What you speak of regarding the miners, does touch the heart. Tragedy on any scale scares me and I fear that I would not be much use to anyone or myself. What some may call everyday heroes are heroes with a capital H to me when they risk their lives for others. Or when they help each other survive by being selfless. It is the strength and love of those that give me hope. And people all around me at work, in my family, in my community, and at Church give me that support and love that keeps me going.

    Population-we is a place where we are never alone!

    Your sister,

  2. Very cool. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the ME ME ME that we forget about the bigger picture.

  3. Barb: I appreciate all your enthusiasm and assistance in helping my blog dream become a reality. I look forward to sharing your poetry with everyone as well as making population-we a household word.

  4. Jessica: We're very glad to have you stop by for a visit. Thanks and welcome to population-we!
